Instant Hair Transplant
Instant Hair Transplant systems offer immediate Surgery—which is the best thing about them. Non-surgical hair Transplant systems. Hair Transplantation is a surgical procedure where, hair follicles from one part of the body is transplanted into the skull with partial or complete hair loss. The procedure is performed under the influence of local anesthesia where the usually the hair from the top or the side is replaced on the top or front of the head. Men with mean pattern baldness are the prime client of the transplant clinic, followed by those who lost hair due to injuries and diseases. Women with thin hair are also opting hair transplant surgeries.
The surgeon removes a section of the scalp with hair and separates the sections into many small parts which are to be implanted into the scalp. The grafted hair is implanted into the holes made in the skull. After transplantation the patient needs to take pain medication for a few days as the skull might be sore plus antibiotics are prescribed to keep any sort of infection away. For growth of new hair the transplanted hairs fall out in about two three weeks. And within six to nine month period a significant growth of hair can be noticed. Though minor and not long lasting, hair transplant surgery does have a few side effects like swelling of the scalp, bleeding and minor infections, numbness in the treated region, itching and unnatural looking hair. These side effects can be easily treated and the doctors do provide enough precautionary measure and medications to deal with these issues. Hair transplant involves a significant amount of cost and expenses, so before opting the Transplant one must gather information about all the pros and cons involved in the procedure.
- Effective and permanent solution for baldness; by far transplantation is the most effective and successful solution to the baldness and hair loss.
- A successful procedure will ensure natural growth of hair and there is no need to opt for other hair growth procedures and methods.
- Opting transplant is more effective than opting for other artificial systems like wigs.
- Simple and easy surgical procedure. Local anesthesia sedated the region.
- Donor being the same person makes the procedure very less complicated.